On September 19th 2019, INFOBANK MAGAZINE held the “15th Multifinance Awards” event at Le Meridien Hotel, Jakarta.
On the event, Infobank Magazine rewarded financing companies for performance throughout 2018. MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia was awarded as financing company with the title "VERY GOOD" in category Asset of 500 Billion-1 Trillion. The "VERY GOOD" predicate is the highest annual multi-finance rating of Infobank Magazine Version. MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia is the 2nd best Multifinance company for Multifinance company with assets of IDR500 Billion - 1 Trillion.
In the "Rating 176 Multifinance Infobank Version 2019", There are 35 Multifinancing companies categorize as assets of IDR500 Billion - 1 Trillion. 16 companies got the title "Very Good", 7 companies got the title "Good", 7 companies had the title "Satisfactory", and 2 companies got the title "Not Good". The other 3 companies were not rated because of restrictions and revocation of the business. In 16 financing companies with the title "Very Good", there are 5 companies with the highest score, and MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia is one of them.
MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia can achieve its good performance because of its synergy and qualified human resources. MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia growth can be seen from its achievement in 2018 from the net profit IDR24.22 billion, up 105% from the previous year and achieve 135% of the 2018 target, this achievement is quite good compared to 2017.
In this year, MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia has set up the target of Total Asset Managed IDR1.3 trillion, NPF 0.5% and profit IDR32.33 billion.
The CEO of MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia said that this is the third awards from Infobank to MNC Leasing. MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia will continue to strive in maintaining its performance so that it can always to be trusted by the banks as funding source and also by Indonesian Society to become a reliable partner in providing financing solutions.
"This award is also an early birthday present for MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia where later on December 4, 2019 we would be 5 (five) years,"- Paulus