In order to fulfill the obligations as stipulated in the Financial Services Authority Regulation No. 30 / POJK.05 / 2014 November 19, 2014, concerning Good Corporate Governance for Financing Companies, and to assist the Board of Commissioners in overseeing and ensuring the following matters:
► Financial reporting
► The internal control system effectivity
► The implementation of both internal and external auditors’ duties
► The risk management process in the Corporate
► Corporate compliance with the legislation and the applicable codes of ethics
PT MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia forms an Audit Committee.
The Structure of the Audit Committee
The Audit Committee consists of Independent Commissioners as chairman of the Audit Committee and members appointed by the Board of Commissioners.
The Structure of the Audit Committee is as follows:
Chair : Erdie Suriaherdadi Manan
Member : Herman Solichin
The Charter of Audit Committee
In supporting the implementation of its duties and responsibilities, the Audit Committee is equipped with a Charter stipulated by the Board of Commissioners.
The Charter of Audit Committee includes the following:
► Base of formation
► Purpose of formation
► Audit Committee membership structure
► Requirements for Audit Committee membership
► The term of office of the Audit Committee
► Duties and authorities
► Audit committee meeting
► Reporting
Duties and Responsibilities of the Audit Committee
The duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee are as follows:
► Related to Reports or Financial Information
Reviewing the financial information that will be released by the Corporate to the public and/or the authorities including financial statements, projections and other reports related to the Corporate’s financial information;
► Related to Internal Audit
Reviewing the implementation of audits by internal auditors and overseeing the implementation of follow-up actions by management / Directors on the findings of internal auditors.
► Related to External Audit
1. Giving recommendations to the Board of Commissioners regarding the appointment of external auditors based on
independence, scope of assignment, and service fees.
2. Giving independent opinion in the event of disagreements between management and external auditors for the
services they provide.
► Related to Risk Management and Internal Control
Reviewing the implementation of risk management and internal control activities carried out by
► Related to Laws and Regulations
Reviewing the Corporate’s compliance towards the laws and regulations related to the Corporate’s activities.
yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan Perusahaan.
► Related to Complaints
1. Reviewing complaints received by the Corporate related to the accounting process and financial reporting of the
2. Monitoring the follow-up of complaints related to the Company.
► Other tasks
1. Carrying out other supervisory tasks based on the request of the Board of Commissioners.
2. Reviewing the Charter of the Audit Committee based on the needs, and proposing changes to the Board of
Commissioners for approval.
3. Periodically evaluating the performance of the Audit Committee and its members.
4. Maintaining the confidentiality of the Corporate’s documents, data, and information.