

PT MNC Guna Usaha Indonesia

Board of Commissioners

Erdie Suriaherdadi Manan

Independent Commissioner

He is an Indonesian citizen, was born in Jember (East Java) in 1954. He successfully completed a Bachelor of Electrical Engineering study program at Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1978 and a Master of Business Administration study program at IPMI Business School Jakarta in 1988.

Having more than 36 years of experience, he began his career in 1979 in a company engaged in Oil and Gas Services which is Schlumberger Overseas SA, with assignments in Indonesia, Australia, and the Middle East, until officiating as the General Field Engineer in 1988 of PT Elnusa Schlumberger Wireline. In 1989, he began his career for the first time in the world of leasing at PT ORIX Indonesia Finance as a Marketing Staff. During his career at ORIX, he underwent various assignments in Crédit Analyst, Crédit Admin, Internal Audit, IT, Corporate Planning, Tax & Accounting, HR, Business Development, and his last position was as the Vice Director in 2009. In the period of 2000 - 2002, he had joined ABN Amro and was assigned as the President Director of ABN Amro Indonesia Finance, before returning to join ORIX Indonesia Finance. During the period 2006 - 2009, he was also assigned as a Commissioner at Akita Bank. From 2011 to the early 2016, he became a Technical Advisor at ORIX Indonesia Finance.

In 2016, he joined the MNC Group, particularly in the MNC Leasing business unit, which is engaged in productive and innovative financing company services and trusted as an Independent Commissioner for the company.

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